Support programs for the transition to adulthood

Many young adults with on the autism spectrum struggle with the transition from school to the community, but support services are sorely lacking. Our research attempts to address this need by developing support programs and studying their effectiveness.

Watch our video on sharing perspectives of adults with ASD on their transition from school to the community, and visit our website outlining the curriculum of our transition support program, and providing links to resources for this transition (some specific to the Montreal area).

Listen to our podcast, Autistic Perspectives on Adulthood. Learn about the stigma people on the spectrum often face in society, and what all of us can do to reduce that stigma and accept autistic people.


Journal Articles

  1. Trudel, C. & Nadig, A. (2019). A Role-Play Assessment Tool and a Drama-Based Social Skills Intervention for Adults with Autism or Related Social Communication Difficulties. Dramatherapy, 40 (1), 41-60.
  2. Nadig, A., Flanagan, T., White, K. & Bhatnagar, S. (2018). Results of a RCT on a transition support program for adults with ASD: Effects on Self Determination and Quality of Life. Autism Research, 11(12), 1712-1728.
  3. White, K., Flanagan, T. & Nadig, A. (2018). Examining the relationship between self-determination and quality of life in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 30 (6), 735–754.

Book Chapters

  1. Flanagan, T. & Nadig, A. (2019). Autodétermination et qualité de vie pour les jeunes adultes. In Catherine Des Rivières-Pigeon (Ed.), Autisme: Ces réalités sociales dont il faut parler. Éditions du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l'Île-de-Montréal.

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